Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sweet William Progress

 So while my Bramble Blooms has stalled I am trying to make make progress on some very old projects. The first one I will share with you today. I had almost just given up on this one, but when I got it out and looked at it, I fell in love with this quilt again.  I had already hand pieced all the baskets, I just need to do the applique portion. I have six blocks completed and now have all the other blocks prepped for applique. Everything is organized and I can grab a block when I have time and applique it.

My six finished blocks.

The rest of the 30 blocks all prepped and ready to sew.

I have six blocks in each of these zip bags.

The zip bags are all tucked away in my new Yazzii bag.

I will be working on this block today, I know it is looks like a blob of lavender, but they are each separate petals for the flower. I will be linking up with Kathy' HERE and all the other Slow Stitchers as soon as I can, I don;t think there is anything better than doing some slow stitching!

Here is a little information about the origin of this quilt.

Photo of the original quilt made in 1860 Pennsylvania.

Photo of the original found in this book.

Susan Smith created this pattern. On closer inspection I see she did not copy the blocks exactly.

Next time I will share the progress on another very old UFO.  Happy Quilting!  Rebecca


  1. those blocks are so cute and a lot of work adding flowers to the baskets

  2. Wow! Lovely quilt. Looking forward to watching your progress. X

  3. You were very busy 'cause I'm sure getting all those baskets prepped with flowers didn't happened overnight.

  4. You did an amazing job! Enjoy the slow stitching. (Sorry, hit publish before I was done, haha.) ;^)

  5. Sweet William is amazing. So much applique and so much variety to the flowers and leaves. This will become an heirloom quilt? So much planning, time, and effort makes it seem too precious to use!
    Your photos are great for seeing details--and now I want to use the word exquisite to describe the flowers. What size are the blocks?

  6. Oh, those baskets and applique flowers are so pretty! Sweet William is going to be a gorgeous quilt! I'm not at all surprised you fell in love with it all over again.

  7. Such a gorgeous project you are working on. You will be so pleased you rediscovered it again.
