Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bramble Blooms Borders??

I was really stuck on what to do for borders on my first Bramble Blooms top and since the second version is underway I thought I had better get serious and come up with something. Audrey of Quilty Folk blog is hosting the sew along (thank you so much Audrey!) You can read her blog HERE  She began the second one in the series with ideas from Sujata Shah's book "Cultural Fusion Quilts". I got my copy out and study it for a few days, I finally decided to try some Flying Geese.

Here is a photo of what I have so far. I am looking for input! More Flying Geese? Is there too much gold, not enough? More red flying geese? More green? Hourglass cornerstones or not? The red strips to the side will be the next border and then maybe a light border with applique ??.

I am linking up with Judy at Small Quilts and Doll quilts for Design Wall Monday HERE.

We had a visitor of the moose variety the other day. It has been a while since we saw one in the yard. No baby with this one.

More next time on that old UFO, I had no time to write the blog post. Happy Quilting, Rebecca


  1. I think Bramble Blooms is looking very nice. Sorry, I don't have any input for the next step. Happy stitching!

  2. Your flying geese border is looking really great. I like that mottled red fabric hanging next to the quilt. That might make a good outermost border to contain those geese!? Many years since I've seen a moose in the yard, its been 40 years since I lived in Alaska. The few in our state are likely all in the Adirondacks. We do have black bears occasionally and bald eagles by the creek.

  3. I'm not doing that quilt so really don't have an opinion on it - I do think the color looks great though. Love the moose - one of my brothers just got back from a trip to Alaska, he and his wife took a bus tour through part and then a train to a cruise ship for the other part. They enjoyed it and he kept sending photos along his way it was nice to see.

  4. I like the flying geese. It really looks great.

  5. I like the flying geese borders. Do you need a narrow one-color border to stop the eye next? I do like the colors like this and feel they balance each other nicely.

  6. I like your geese border and I’m not much help either. I say keep on doing what you are doing - we like your decisions.

  7. I'm no one to give input or suggestions about other quilters' quilts, Rebecca, since I have so much trouble with my own. I like the outer red border and I think the flying geese border echoes the triangles in your first border. Would you like more red geese? At first I thought you were going to put geese all the way around but looking closer, I think the sides of that border will be some geese and some plain fabric, too. No one to give an opinion, as I said, but I wonder what having geese all the way around would look....
    It's hard to imagine having an animal as large as a moose in my backyard!
