Sunday, January 21, 2024

Bramble Blooms Progress

 We have a cold couple weeks ahead of us. -25* during the daytime and down to -30* to -40* at night. Nothing to complain about though, normal winter weather for us.  Nothing like what other people are suffering through around the country. We had friends that flew out to Oregon, they were stuck in a hotel with no power for 4 days waiting for a flight home.  On the other hand, my daughter and her family were in Maui! Lucky them! They made it home okay, no doors flew off or anything, lots of delays though. I am making a big pot of potato soup today!

I am making progress on my Bramble Blooms quilt. It is slow going and I feel as though I am tangled up in the thorny brambles sometimes! Right off you will see that I changed the yellow/gold flower shape. I was trying to hard to make them realistic, the mustard flower has only 4 petals, but it just wasn't working.

I tried fabric after fabric for the border. Below are a few  photos of different ideas I tried. My husband said the greens were too dark, so I went with the creams, that was just to plain.

How about a split border? A little better, not sure.

For some reason I am liking the brown, don't tell my hubby!

This is where I am right now. Lots of things I am still not sure on. One, the red shapes, maybe just half circles and not the half flower shape. Second, the cornerstones? This is best I have come up with so far.

I would like to add another bird and the word Faith, but since I don't know what the next prompt will be I am unsure.

I continue to work on Barbara Brackman's BOM, Herbarium. I am currently appliqueing Block #10, Strawberry Wreath. I need to write a post showing all my finished blocks for this. I will be linking up with Kathy HERE  for Slow Sunday Stitching.

Thank you for reading my blog. Happy Quilting! Rebecca


  1. I LOVE the new flower shape and how they cross over to the border. I also like the split border with brown. (I struggled with using a lighter border and ended up with darker and am hoping I don't regret it later!) I look forward to seeing what you end up with for a cornerstone.

  2. Yes, the brown split border is the best. This is looking so great. The half flower blooms are much more interesting than just a half circle. You're making great progress.

  3. Yes, I like the split brown border, too. Sometimes it's tricky making decisions when making a quilt. What you have stitched thus far is looking lovely

  4. I like the brown too with the yellow that you added. Those temps are cold for sure. I remember one winter in Idaho when we lived there in the late 70's that was below zero for a month - I hope I never have to repeat that.

  5. It seems the hardest part is choosing the background fabrics for each round. Everything looks great so far, and I love how the flowers are spilling across the coping border.

  6. I do not envy you your weather. It is cold here like single digits with chill factor. And we have 15 inches of snow from the last storm. But you top the cake and win the prize. Anyway, love your block and the double border is my favorite. Keep on stitching.

  7. Wow, Rebecca, you've had really, really cold weather. Ours was really cold last week with "feels like" temperatures in the minus teens. And this week we had sun on Monday and have had grey and rainy days these past two days. I used to say I love winter but I recently realized I love winter if there's snow. Your poor friends. How did they stay warm? And what a blessing for your daughter and her family!
    Oh, I like the changes you've made to your center. Those golden flowers are show-stoppers! Delightful.
    You've tried out lots of options for borders and applique shapes. I just read others' comments. and I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to opinion. I think the green border makes it look very gardeny. I'm looking forward to seeing what you decide for this prompt.
