Thursday, January 31, 2019

Two Sew Alongs and More!

I am hoping everyone that has been impacted by the latest Polar Vortex are doing okay. Here in Alaska we are used to those types of temperatures and are set up for it, heater plugs in our vehicles and etc.  We had a brisk -20* here this morning. Please stay safe and warm!

 Lori of Humble Quilts blog had a post about Debbie's Quilt Shop in Paradise, CA requesting quilt blocks with houses  to help local quilters recover from the California Camp Fire. You can read it HERE. Lori provides a pattern for the blocks too. I completed four blocks and sent them off. I hope this project will help the survivors of this horrific fire.

I am sewing up Tiny Tuesday blocks for Angela of So Scrappy blog's RSC19 Sampler project.. You read can about this project HERE. There is a new 4 1/2" (finished) block every Tuesday which you make in the RSC color of the month. There is a setting diagram. The blocks either have a straight set or diagonal set. I am still debating my setting fabric, thinking about using black. I don't want to wait too long and a have gazillion blocks to sew into their setting pieces. So far I have been making two of each block.

This is the setting diagram.

The first sew along I am joining in is Barbara Brackman"s Hospital Sketches. You can read more about  this sew along HERE and get the first block HERE

I purchased these two bundles of Kaffe Fassett fabrics on sale some time ago and I am going outside my comfort zone and am doing the applique with these. I have always admired his bold and amazing use of color and the quilts that Kim McLean has made using his fabrics. We will see how this goes!

Barbara Brackman's first block.

I am also joining in on Lori's Spencer Museum sew along. You can read more about that HERE. I am using traditional fabrics for this one. You can purchase the pattern HERE.

Spencer Museum Quilt

Fabrics for Spencer Museum quilt.

I started laying out my applique pieces yesterday. Since there is no lay out sheet for this pattern I cut some of the pieces out of paper to get the positioning correct. I haven't decided on fabric for these pieces, but want to get started stitching.

Lori is also having a string piecing sew along. They have already had the first link up party. You can read about the sew along  HERE and see the Linky Party HERE. I has taken a while to decide on a pattern. I have decided to do this Gwen Marston/Freddy Moran quilt. Their basket blocks finish at 14",  I will be making the baskets smaller, I want to make a lot more blocks than are in this quilt. I have SO many stings to use up!

Beautiful Baskets By Gwen Marston and Freddy Moran

The pattern is in this book.

I will also continue working on my Pineapple Crazy blocks as I sew up my strings.

Okay, so if you are wondering what happened with the Wedding Quilt of my last post, my printer is just not doing the job for printing the photos. So instead of buying a different printer I am going to order photos printed on fabric from Fotos On Fabric. HERE is a link to their site.

Sorry for the long post! Happy Quilting, Rebecca


  1. No need to apologize about a “long post” - it was very fun to read and catch up with all you have going on - you have definitely jumped into the New Year!! About dropped my coffee cup when I saw the fabrics you have chosen for the Spencer Museum Quilt - they are so wonderful and all the colors that are yummy to work with! Such a tempting project....I hope Debbie’s Quilt Shop posts pictures of the completed quilt tops for will be so neat to see all our houses together. We have come out of the Polar Vortex and it is now 8 degrees - absolute heat wave!!

  2. It was great to get caught up on all the spectacular SAL's your working in. You've got a lot of different styles, color schemes and techniques to keep you busy and challenged throughout the year.

  3. Fantastic projects!! Have you made more progress on your Spencer Museum quilt? I'd love to add your blog link to my post!
