Friday, July 19, 2024

Bramble Blooms 1 & 2 and Other Projects

First my apologies for a long post, it seems when I finally sit down to write a blog post I have lots of catching up to do.
I am still working on my Bramble Blooms #1 quilt top. It has been sporadic, but I am making progress. I had tried some flying geese made Sujata Shah style, but wasn't sure about them. Then I made them larger and Nancy at Joy For Grace blog, you can read her blog  HERE, mentioned putting them all the way around without the plain sections. So I tried that, what do you think? My husband likes it!

I don't know of you can tell, but I made a couple of small changes. I removed the red strip on the upper left corner and changed the goose block in the lower left corner. I made the changes after I took the following photos of border ideas.

Ideas for the next border, one, just a plain solid border.

Two, a vine and floral/leaf border. I used some of my left over applique bits. At this time I leaning towards this one.

Three,  a vine and leaf border. 

Idea #4, nine patches, the brown is darker than it appears in the photo.

A small start om Bramble Blooms 2. The pieces are just laid out, not sewn together yet.

A Basket Full of Hope

I am still working on my 9 patches, though I think I am behinds again. As of June 2, I had 220 nine patches made.
I need to get back to these.

I have picked up my knitting again. I had started this sweater a couple of years ago and then realized I had the gauge and size wrong. I unraveled it and set it aside, I restarted it last month and I am making some progress.

12" on the back piece.

And I have made a little progress on the hexie quilt! I am ready to add the blue flower on the left.

Our biggest news is that we got two kittens!! We have not had a cat in over 15 years or more. My husband wanted them for mouse catchers. We still haven't named them, I just can't decide. Any suggestions would be appreciated! (They are both girls.) They have been keeping me busy though and they like to interfere with my handwork!

I am linking up with Kathy and all the other Sunday Slow Stitchers HERE. I will either be working on my hexies or knitting or maybe appliqueing the words on BB2!

Happy Quilting! Rebecca


  1. I love the flying geese border! It really looks terrific. I vote for the flower and leaf border. BBII with the basket and words is a great idea. Nice progress. . . I wish I had more done.

  2. Love the geese border. I love the 9 patch border the most, then the vine and flowers. I also love what you have so far for the second Bramble. But the show stopper is the last picture. They are so ADOrable!! Not knowing if they are males or females, I would suggested Pebbles, I mean look at that amazing face! If she's a HE, well maybe Granite would be a better one. I have a black cat named Raven (you might have seen him on my blog. Yes, Raven's a boy). But Dexter or Rascal are also great names for a black cat. Please give them a big hug from me. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. Your kittens are adorable! I think I would call them Smokey and Joe, no real reason. I'm sure they aren't as innocent as they look, lol! I like your additions to BB-1 so far. The final border decision seems to be the most difficult for me, do you feel the same? You have a great start on BB-2 as well. Hoping to get back to mine in a couple weeks. It's blueberry season here so I've spent quite a few hours picking and getting them ready for the freezer. Are they in season there yet or will it be August before they are ready?

  4. the kittens are cute I'm sure you will come up with names soon. Bramble Blooms is looking good - designing as you go can create problems and changes you will get it figured out!

  5. Such pretty kittens, they will be great company for each other. I like the floral vine border best for your new quilt, but I'm sure you will have made up your mind by now.

  6. I love the wonky geese border and I like the tweaks as well - it seems to belong there now. I'd vote for the vines with flowers border, but since I'm way behind on reading blogs, you may have already finished that step. And the kittens are adorable! I hope they're not as goblin-y as my nearly one-year-old kitten is right now...I love her, but oh my goodness!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think your flying geese first border looks great, especially without the strip on the upper left and the change in flying geese block on the lower left!
    But more important is, do you like it? I'm interested to see what you chose for your next border. I can't remember now what Audrey's prompt was. I'll have to go look again. (I'm at a standstill on Bramble Blooms, though it's been in the back of my mind. I think I'm still on the border with applique.)
    I like the start for your next BB, too. It looks like you have a knack for improv quilts!
    Your new kittens are adorable. The one on the left has such interesting coloring. Her face almost looks like it sparkles with the light specks and streaks. They are probably lots bigger by now. What names did you choose?
